Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why I am only half as cool as I think I am

Holy Hanukkah you should see what my parents have been up to lately. I was reading my parent's blog yesterday and I was blown away at the places they have been, the places they've slept and the kinds of people they've met. (And I thought I was cool.)

Today my dad emailed me a quick story of something simple that happened to them recently. It made my heart ache for so many reasons. I loved receiving this story written from my dad's perspective and his own writing, spelling errors and all. My dad is one of the smartest people I know and also one of the worst spelling adults I know, but It's only another reason why I love him so much. He is so simple and kind and also the best mountain man in the world who can fix just about anything. I thought this story he shared was so sad, but made me feel so grateful for what my parents are out doing and the service they are giving.

Dear Mary
I want to tell you about a experience mom and I had this week. it is a Sad story but it is what we see all the time . There are all kinds of people who live on the streets and sleep on the side walks and all over . Many  Are very dirty and ware rags. we walked past a person close to our house who hade no shirt on and pants were ripped all but a couple inches of butt crack was showing witch is common coz They can't hold there pants up wile they are sleeping. But this persons pants were ripped all the crack. And this person was curled up around a tree to try to stay worm .it is winter here and it is early morning as We want by. I notice this person had breasts I asked mom if she notice that was a girl. she hadn't so we want back to check it out. We see women on the streets but not with so little to wear. .we want home and got some clothes and food and woke here up. She hard to wake her up. she was scared  at first. But mom voice and food seemed to calm her she would not talk and really smelt bad she looked like she was 19 or 20 years old.   mom put a sports bra, shirt and a fleece jacket and sweat pants and shoes on her. She gave her one of those nylon bags you gave mom for shopping  with a  sweeter and some food and a few more things in it. She let mom put it on her shoulder and she walk off . it was all we could do there is no place she can go for help.  the people in the area said she has no family and is sick in the could tell she was real sick.  there is no way of knowing what this poor soul has been through.  for meny people here   It will be a blessing when it is over.  I just wish we could have done more . Well thought I would tell ya about a nother day in Mozambique :-(

 love you Dad

I have to admit, especially recently I have wished my parents had chosen to serve a mission close by, one where they weren't so far away, where we could go visit if we wanted. Or one where they weren't getting sick or in such a dangerous area. But I realize I'm just being selfish and not having them around to cook delicious chile and quesadillas for me when I want to be at "home"  or there to play bocci ball with on Sundays really isn't gong to kill me. I am so grateful to have parents who are fit and able to go out and serve some of the Lord's most impoverished people. I cant wait to do that with Devon some day, just he and I out in the jungle together with our 2 year supply of Macaroni and Cheese. What a great example my parents are. I promise not to complain any more about not having them here, I know they are in a much better place doing much better things. (this is one of those promises that I don't intend on keeping but it sure sounds good)

Aren't they adorable?


  1. Dearest Mary of the Provo Areaest:
    That is indeed a tender and sweet story that I can totally see in my head and hear in my ears ( in your father's voice). Not only are they blessing the people of Africa, but your family and mine. They are and will always be my heroes.

  2. Tears are running down my face for that sweet story and for is hard that they are gone...and I am sure down the road we will see even more blessings...and what other sister missionary would have a universal bra like a sports bra with them to share??? :)

  3. Amazing story thanks for sharing Mary.

  4. I shared part of this with my Primary class and even showed them a couple of pictures on my phone. They really love hearing about missionaries all over the world.
